Opportunities for living and working abroad have significantly increased. One such opportunity is the Golden Visa, a special immigration program offering foreign investors residency or citizenship. However, one of the essential steps in the Golden Visa application process is the accurate and certified translation of documents. At ATS, we provide top-notch translation for golden visa in over 50 languages to ensure a smooth and successful journey.

What Is A Golden Visa?

A golden visa is a type of residency or citizenship by investment program available in several countries worldwide. These programs are designed to attract foreign investment, offering investors and their families the right to live, work, and study in the host country. A golden visa can eventually lead to permanent residency or citizenship, depending on the country.

The Importance Of Translation In The Golden Visa Process

One vital aspect of applying for a golden visa is submitting various legal and financial documents. These documents must often be translated into the host country’s official language, making professional translation services indispensable.

Translation for golden visa applications involves translating various documents, including:

Accurate and certified translations are necessary because errors or inaccuracies can lead to delays or even rejection of your application. Therefore, choosing a reliable translation service provider is essential to ensure your documents are translated correctly and meet all the official requirements.

Best Translation For Golden Visa With ATS

translation for golden visa


Travellers going to a country where their native language isn’t spoken often need translation services for visa applications. Their visa documents might be in their native language, making it difficult for the visa-issuing authorities to understand them.

This can lead to costly visa delays. Additionally, as more people travel internationally, visa demand is increasing. As a result, visas that are difficult to process may be delayed or even dismissed.

At ATS, we have a team of highly qualified and experienced visa translation experts. They can translate all the necessary documents for your visa application. Our translation services are of high quality, with quality assurance to ensure accuracy. 

With ATS, you get low-cost and fast translation services. We usually deliver translations before the estimated time. We also offer urgent translation services, which are helpful when you need quick document translation for your visa application.

Why Choose ATS For Translation For Golden Visa?

At ATS, we are a leading provider of translation services specialising in translation for golden visas. 

  • Extensive Experience With Golden Visa Requirements

At ATS, we have extensive experience handling golden visa requirements for various countries. Our team of professional translators is well-versed in the specific documentation and formatting needs of each country’s Golden Visa program. This expertise ensures your documents will be translated accurately and comply with all the necessary regulations.

  • Certified Translation For Golden Visa Applications

Many Golden Visa programs require translations to be certified or notarized. At Alsun Translation Company, we provide certified legal translation for golden visas, ensuring relevant authorities recognise and accept your documents. Our accredited translations guarantee accuracy, providing peace of mind throughout the application process.

  • Proficient In Multiple Languages

Our team of translators is proficient in multiple languages, allowing us to handle translation for golden visa applications to various countries. Whether you need translations in Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, or Arabic, we have the linguistic expertise to meet your needs.

  • Quick Translation Turnaround Times

We understand that time is important when applying for a golden visa. Delays in document submission can affect the outcome of your application. We offer fast turnaround times without compromising quality, ensuring translation for a golden visa is ready when needed.

  • Affordable Visa Translation Services

At ATS, we believe high-quality translation services should be accessible to everyone. We offer competitive pricing for our golden visa translation services, providing excellent value for your investment.

  • Ensuring Confidentiality And Security

We prioritise the confidentiality and security of your personal and financial information, employing strict data protection measures to ensure your documents are handled with the utmost care and privacy during translation for a golden visa.

Final Thoughts

Getting a Golden Visa can bring you and your family new opportunities and a better life. However, the application process can be complicated and demanding, mainly when translating the required documents. At Alsun Translation Services in UAE, our expertise, certified translations, and commitment to excellence make the translation process seamless and stress-free. By choosing us, you ensure accurate and professional translations support your application, increasing your chances of success. Contact us today for a free quote and learn how we can assist you in your golden visa journey.