Simultaneous Interpretation in Dubai is crucial

Nowadays, Remote Working is more common than traditional in-house working. Remote simultaneous interpretation in Dubai is a recent example of Remote Working imposed by Covid-19. Alsun provides Remote simultaneous interpretation services in Dubai for conferences of different sizes, business meetings and workshops to make them accessible to its audiences. We will explain here what RSI is, how it works and when it can be used and needed.

Benefits of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation in Dubai

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) is the process of rendering a spoken message into another spoken language, allowing interpreters, speakers and participants to interact from anywhere. Remote simultaneous interpretation in Dubai is low-cost alternative for traditional interpretation, it is unlike traditional interpretation that costs more money and requires a lot of time, rather than the time constraints. For, example if you need a remote interpreter in Dubai within few minutes, it can be ready right away, but if you need an interpreter in Dubai to attend even, you must book an appointment long before the even and arrange other issues like equipment and supplies. 

Traditional interpretation usually costs a lot of money spent on equipment and interpreters travel and accommodation expenses.  RSI reduces the cost of interpreting an event without prejudice to interpretation services quality or time constraints.

How RSI works at Alsun

Remote simultaneous interpretation is the process of rendering a spoken message into another spoken language in real-time on remote basis through remote interpreters.

In traditional simultaneous interpretation, audiences can select their language by switching to the needed channel on a device. By doing so, they can follow the proceedings of a conference, a meeting or any other event by listening to live interpretation through headphones. As for remote simultaneous interpretation, the audio and video are streamed to the interpreters locations and then they hear and see the speaker and deliver their simultaneous interpretation.

RSI is now depending on cloud-based technology, it is a service that is preformed using certain platforms that stimulates event environment. The event delegates and simultaneous interpreter in Dubai are connected to each other via the cloud platform.

Reasons to use Remote Simultaneous Interpretation in Dubai

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation in Dubai helps individual and businesses in event and conference sector in different ways, here are some reasons why to use RSI:

Cost-effective solution

RSI reduce the cost of interpreting events, as it removes the costs of equipment and interpreters’ accommodation and travel expenses.

Enable greater flexibility

Some events may need to be arranged at short notice. Here RSI plays a vital role, as it multiple languages to events audience anywhere and anytime for many languages.

Environmentally friendly

Simply there is no need of interpretation equipment and interpreters travel and therefore no consequent environmental problems.


Using Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Services in Dubai help in far and hard to reach locations such as mountains and far resorts.

Free Space

Remote Simultaneous Interpretation is cloud-based technology and that allow more floor space, as, there is no need for soundproof booths for interpreters.

Remote simultaneous interpreting in Dubai has much more benefits such as scalability and compatibility. Also RSI poses some challenges to as the need of technical support.

Remote Interpreter in Dubai 

Remote simultaneous interpreting in Dubai offers many benefits as well as challenges. It increases productivity, reduces cost and eliminates geographical barriers. However, it is better to adapt this new revolutionary technology now to keep up with the new changes