Dubai is a city of dreams where businesses from all over the world thrive. But with such a diverse population, communication can be a challenge. That’s where translation services come. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to navigate the translation services Dubai price, so you can choose the best provider for your business and take your company to the next level.

Options for translation services dubai price

The pricing options for translation services in Dubai may vary depending on the service provider, language pair, and project complexity. However, the most common pricing options are:

1- Per word

This is the most commonly used pricing option for translation services. 

The translator will charge you based on the number of words in the source document that needs to be translated. 

The per-word rate may vary depending on the document’s language pair, complexity, and subject matter. Typically, the per-word rate ranges from AED 0.14 to AED 0.50

2- Per page

Some translation service providers in Dubai charge per page instead of per word. 

However, the page rate may vary depending on the font size, line spacing, and layout. 

Typically, one page contains 200 words. Therefore, the per-page rate is usually higher than the per-word rate.

3- Per hour

For some specialized translations, such as legal or technical documents, the translator may charge based on the number of hours spent on the project. 

The hourly rate varies depending on the translator’s expertise and experience but is usually higher than the per-word rate.

4- Flat rate

Sometimes, the translator may offer a flat rate for the entire project, regardless of the word count or page count. 

The flat rate is usually negotiated between the client and the translator and depends on the project’s complexity and deadline.

Top Factors that Influence Translation Services Dubai Price

Several factors can affect the translation services dubai price including:

  • The deadline for the project plays a vital role in determining the price of translation services. The faster the turnaround time required, the higher the cost will be.
  • The quality level required for the translation affects the price. The price will increase if a client needs a high-quality translation with additional proofreading and editing. Additionally, if the translation requires industry-specific knowledge, such as legal or medical terminology, this can increase the price.
  • The volume of work required for the project can also affect the price. The larger the volume of work, the lower the price. 
  • The experience and expertise of the translator can also affect the price. A more experienced and specialized translator may charge a higher rate than a less professional translator.
  • If additional services, such as desktop publishing or formatting, are required, the translation services in dubai price can also increase. 

Translations command the highest prices in Dubai

The translation fields that usually command the highest prices are:

These areas require specialized knowledge and attention to detail, making them more challenging and time-consuming than other translations.

How to ensure quality while keeping translation costs low

If you want to get quality translation services at affordable rates in Dubai, you can follow these tips:

  • Select an experienced and qualified translation service provider. Find a company with a good reputation for providing quality work at reasonable prices. 
  • Give your translation provider clear and concise instructions. Be specific about the scope of your project, target audience, and intended purpose. 
  • Ensure that your source content is well-written and free of errors. Poorly written source material can cause delays and extra costs for the translation provider, increasing your prices.
  • Request a sample translation from your chosen provider before committing to a project. This will give you an idea of their translation quality, accuracy, and style.

The impact of language pairs on the price of translation

In a diverse city like Dubai, where various languages are spoken, some language pairs are more in demand than others. 

Consequently, these language pairs tend to have higher prices than others. 

For instance, Arabic-English translation services are likely more expensive than Spanish-Italian translation services due to higher demand.

5 tips for affordable and high-quality services with no surprises

By following these tips, you can ensure that you get the translation services you need without any unexpected costs:

  • Choose a reputable translation service provider by researching and reading reviews and ratings.
  • Ask for a detailed quote that includes translation, proofreading, editing, and other services needed to make an informed choice.
  • Discuss the word count, language pair, delivery timeline, and document format with your translator to understand the project scope before finalizing an agreement.
  • The translation may have rush fees if you need it done quickly. Discuss the delivery date with the translation service provider and understand any additional charges.
  • Carefully read the contract and check for hidden charges, such as administration or bank transfer fees, not in the initial quote.

Alsun provides clear and accurate services at budget-friendly prices

Are you tired of paying sky-high prices for translation services in Dubai?  

Our top-quality translations come at unbeatable translation services dubai prices, and we never sacrifice quality for affordability.

At AlSun Translation Company, we ensure our clients get the best of both worlds. 

That’s why we’ve assembled a team of expert translators who can handle anything. Whether you need translated legal documents or localized marketing materials, we have the skills and experience to make it happen.

But we don’t just stop at great prices and quality translations. 

Our lightning-fast turnaround times mean you’ll never be left waiting for your documents. 

So why waste your time and money with other translation services? Trust AlSun to get the job done right, on time, and at a price, you can afford. Contact us today to see how we can help you.