Press release translation can be super beneficial for your company when you’re spreading the word about a new product, celebrating a milestone, or sharing achievements. By doing this, you open up the chance to connect with new audiences at home and worldwide.

What is a press release?

A press release is like a brief news story you write and send to specific media people.  It’s important because it details your story, like what happened, when, where, and why. The goal is to grab the journalist’s attention or the publication you aim for. 

Ideally, they publish your press release just as it is. It might even lead to an interview invitation if things go well. When your press release gets positive attention, it can boost your organization’s reputation and overall brand.

Why translate the press release?

Press release translation is a key component in a multilingual public relations plan. This approach lets you connect with crucial stakeholders, like customers and investors, who communicate in different languages. 

By doing this, your brand becomes more pertinent, gaining increased online and offline visibility. 

The press release translation process plays a vital role in expanding your audience, leading to heightened interest in your business and, in turn, a larger pool of potential customers. 

Types of press releases needing translation


press release translation services

Press releases are typically crafted when a business has something noteworthy to share and aims to promote itself. 

This dual purpose of informing and engaging the reader is a challenging task. 

To strike the right balance, companies often turn to skilled copywriters who excel in creating press releases that grab attention and achieve widespread distribution.

These copywriters should seek unique angles for press releases to capture the media’s interest and boost brand publicity. 

Types of press releases needing translation include: 

  • A charitable initiative.
  • An intriguing employee story.
  • An upcoming brand-related event.
  • A compelling instance of the company using its product to make a positive impact. 
  • News about significant changes, such as new products or awards.

Helpful tips to ensure a seamless press release translation

To choose the best press release translation company, there are some key tips you should consider, including:

1- Choose who to target

Start by figuring out who you want to reach. Your choice depends on what you aim to achieve with your public relations efforts. 

If, for instance, you’re a travel brand focusing on attracting German travelers, it makes sense to translate your press release into German. 

This way, you can target German publications that cover international travel.

2- Use industry-expert translators 

Press releases typically include details specific to a particular industry. To effectively engage your audience, it’s beneficial to employ translators specialized in the field your release focuses on, like tourism, healthcare, or software. 

Many translation companies provide services across different subjects and industries, allowing your press release to convey expertise in your field. 

This way, your message resonates more effectively with your intended audience.

3- Localize content

A press release might look like a simple way to get attention. However, since it’s a type of company message, it’s a must to ensure all the details are correct. 

Especially when aiming for global coverage, you need to adjust your content. 

To do this, you go through a process called localizing the press release, which involves:

  • Choosing the right pictures for your press release.
  • Adding special cultural touches, like local traditions or holidays, makes the press release more relatable.
  • Make sure the translated text looks good by adjusting the layout and design.
  • Changing things like currency and measurements to match local standards.
  • Formatting dates, addresses, and phone numbers in the way locals prefer.
  • Following local rules and legal needs.
  • Adjusting graphics to fit the local audience.

4- Avoid acronyms

Using acronyms in a press release is usually not a good idea because your readers might not understand them. 

This becomes even trickier when translating them into a different language. 

So, it’s important to be careful with acronyms and either spell them out or avoid using them. 

If you need to use industry-specific acronyms, it’s a good idea to discuss them with your press release translation company beforehand. 

Its team can advise you on the best ways to handle acronyms and share general practices for the language(s) your content will be translated into. 

This way, you can ensure clear communication with your audience.

5- Adapt your company name

Usually, there’s no need to change your company name in a press release. 

This is true unless your company uses a different name in another country. 

The same goes for trademarked product names and website addresses. 

To make things easier, you can give the press release translation company a list of terms they shouldn’t translate. 

This way, they’ll know which words should remain in English. Taking this extra step will save you time and money, preventing the need for revisions and ensuring your press release gets published quickly.

Depends on Alsun’s accurate press release translation!

To make a significant impact worldwide, sharing your news in various languages like Arabic, Spanish, Japanese, German, and French is necessary. 

This helps connect with international journalists, editors, and your customers abroad effectively.

Achieving consistent and accurate press release translations efficiently demands linguistic skills, subject matter expertise, and the use of localization best practices.  

At Alsun, we specialize in quick and professional translation services for press releases, covering over 50 languages. 

Our team, consisting of native translators and multilingual PR specialists, is ready 24/7 to meet your news wire translation needs. 

Speed is necessary when spreading multilingual press releases worldwide. 

No one enjoys reading outdated news, and the same goes for slowly translated releases for foreign journalists, editors, and reporters. 

The rapid and accurate translation of your press releases will significantly impact the success of your global media campaigns. 

Alsun is the top on-demand translation service globally, specifically designed to fulfill all your news wire translation requirements. 

We can translate a press release within one hour for extremely urgent projects by dividing the document among two or more linguists and utilizing terminology management for precise linguistic accuracy and consistency.

Easily translate press releases online

press release translation

Leading global companies choose Alsun for fast and high-quality press release translation online to stay competitive worldwide. 

You can easily send your news articles and choose the target languages such as Arabic, Russian, Chinese, or any other language for an instant translation quote. 

Once confirmed, Alsun quickly assigns the job to approved linguists who translate immediately. 

Best news translation services

Although your news stories can now reach a foreign audience in real-time, ensuring they understand your message is essential.

Alsun Translation Services offers quick and professional corporate press release translation services. 

Moreover, we assist news organizations and media outlets in translating various news content on-demand, supporting over 50 languages 24/7. 

This hyper-connected network has fundamentally changed how news is delivered and consumed globally. 

Alsun is the best for press release translation services!

  • Experience lightning-fast content translation with our unique team of translators, who match your translations at incredible speeds.
  • For accuracy, we rely on pre-approved translators who specialize in specific industries. This human touch guarantees precise and reliable translations.
  • We are committed to delivering quality at an affordable price so you can maintain high translation standards without exceeding your budget.