Artificial intelligence is getting better every day. It’s now involved in many vital tasks, like translation. One of the latest options is ChatGPT. But can we trust ChatGPT for accurate translation, especially with official documents? Let’s explore the answers and the weaknesses of ChatGPT translation and figure out how to overcome them.

How does ChatGPT translation work?

ChatGPT translation depends on two main techniques: Pre-training and fine-tuning. In pre-training, it learns from many languages, helping it understand common language structures. Then, in fine-tuning, it gets specific training on translation tasks using paired sentences in various languages. This way, it learns to predict the best sentence in another language based on the given input.

ChatGPT Translation vs Google Translate

In the competition between ChatGPT and Google Translate, ChatGPT takes the lead. It excels at translating phrases with hidden meanings and understanding context.

On the other hand, human translation still beats them both because it has a deeper understanding and is more culturally sensitive. The accuracy and detail that human translators bring to expressing meanings show a level of language skill that machines haven’t wholly reached yet.

Is ChatGPT translation accurate?

ChatGPT translation may seem appealing, but it’s necessary to remember that no tech is flawless. Here are some limitations:

  • Accuracy is not always guaranteed

ChatGPT translation has improved dramatically but can still make mistakes; accuracy may be challenging, mainly when dealing with complex language structures or expressions. 

  • Dependency on training data

How accurately ChatGPT translates texts depends on the training data it gets. The model might have difficulty translating texts connected to those parts if the training data doesn’t include all the language details or cultural stuff

  • Required advanced prompt engineering

Getting good translations is all about using the right prompts. It would be best if you constructed your input in a way that guides the ChatGPT properly. This involves giving specific instructions, which might need some technical know-how.

  • Lack of human touch

When professionals translate, they add something special that AI can’t. This special touch includes intuition, which helps grasp a text’s tiny details and feelings. AI, on the other hand, might struggle with these subtle nuances.

Cultural context is essential for language translation

Language translation relies heavily on cultural context. Words and phrases may carry diverse meanings and connotations in various cultures. This is necessary because translations might be incorrect or offensive without grasping the cultural context. It would help if you depended on a professional translation company with profound cultural knowledge to guarantee precise and culturally suitable translations.

Getting Accurate ChatGPT Translations is challenging


human translation


To improve ChatGPT translation quality, it’s generally advised to make your input prompts clear, direct, and specific. This helps the natural language processing (NLP) tool understand your request better and generate a more accurate translation.

  • Cultural nuances and slang

To preserve cultural references, you can ask ChatGPT to translate the gist or overarching meaning instead of a word-for-word translation.

  • Ambiguity in word meaning

ChatGPT might struggle to provide an accurate translation when the source text is ambiguous. To overcome this, provide extra context for ambiguous words or clarify their intended meaning in your prompt.

Human Touch Beats ChatGPT Translation

While ChatGPT translation has impressive capabilities, there exists a unique touch that only human translators can provide. For the most accurate translation services, relying on native human translators isn’t just a preference; it’s a necessity.

  • The nuances of language

Human translators, deeply immersed in their native language and culture, possess an innate understanding of intricacies. This ensures the final translation maintains accuracy and cultural relevance.

  • Contextual understanding

Unlike ChatGPT translation, operating on pre-programmed algorithms, human translators bring a depth of contextual understanding. They can interpret the underlying meaning of a sentence, considering the broader context of a document.

  • Tailored solutions for diverse industries

Human translators, especially those with expertise in specific fields, can tailor translations to align seamlessly with industry standards. This specialization is necessary for accurate communication, ensuring technical, legal, medical, or other professional documents are precisely translated.

  • Maintaining tone and style

Human translators cannot only translate words but also convey the intended tone and style of the original text. This is particularly vital in marketing materials, creative writing, and other instances where the emotional resonance of the language plays a pivotal role.

Why choose Alsun Translation Company

At Alsun Translation Company Dubai, we value the human touch in translation services, delivering a quality that surpasses ChatGPT’s capabilities. Our team has native translators from various languages and backgrounds, ensuring precise and culturally fitting translations that resonate with the intended audience.

Trusting Alsun guarantees the precision, cultural insight, and contextual finesse only human translators can offer. Your translated content won’t just be a word-for-word conversion but a genuine and impactful communication.